The bulk of the force are copies of the ancient T-54, the Type 59s. An upgrade of a tank design from the 1980’s “active defense” era, these tanks would conduct a majority of the fighting. The Type 96 is the cornerstone of the PLAGF.

Tank commanders have historically used this conservative strategy. The 850 Type 99s are China’s prized armored vehicle and can compete with the American and Russian tanks however, in a conflict, it is more than likely that these tanks would be held tightly in the reserves. It is the second-largest tank force in the world, with around 6,700 tanks. The People’s Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF) has an impressive collection of tanks. Is this an urgent issue? By looking at the threat environment, I conclude that the PLA does not need to modernize their tanks anytime soon. Plans to “modernize” the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) by 2035 would include upgraded tanks.